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Exceptionally well detailed image of sunspot captured from world largest solar observatory.

This high resolution (till now) image of sun showing a spot was captured by the U.S National Science Foundation's Daniel K. Ynouye Solar Telescope. According to Dr. Thomas Rimmele, Associate Director at National Solar Observatory " The sunspot image achieves a spatial resolution about 2.5 times higher than ever previously achieved, showing magnetic structures as small as 20 kilometres on the surface of the sun". High Resolution image of sun revealing detailed sunspot. (Image Credit: NSO/AURA/NSF.) High Resolution image of sunspot. (Image credit: NSO/AURA/NSF.) The sunspot is spread across 10000 miles was taken on 28 January,2020. The spot is just a tiny fraction of the sun yet a planet like earth would fit perfectly. For more detail:  Click here
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